Sunday, June 11, 2023

Pride 2023 - Books and Authors Day 11 - Happy Birthday Grant's Crossing!!

Hello and welcome to Day 11 of 30 Days of Pride - Books and Authors! 

For Pride Month 2023, I’m sharing some of the fabulous books and authors I’ve discovered featuring LGBTQ or LGBTQ-friendly characters or written by LGBTQ or LGBTQ-friendly authors. 

Hey friends - so I'm engaging in a bit of self-indulgence this weekend. Yesterday, I introduced you to two LGBTQ couples in my book, WAYWARD GUILT Heroes of Grant's Crossing Book 1, and today... well - I'd like to celebrate Grant's Crossing's birthday! 

This may not be an LGBTQ-specific post, but trust me, I don't limit sharing great LGBTQ books and authors to June. I'll be back with another post featuring terrific stories and authors tomorrow for Day 12!

Happy Birthday GIF | Happy birthday cakes, Happy birthday celebration, Happy  birthday cupcakes

Grant's Crossing likes chocolate, too. 

Three years ago today, I was a month into reading romance novels - something I started while I was furloughed from work after the lockdown started. I'd read about six or so novels by this time, with the 5th and 6th being pretty awful. What did I do? I complained about it to my mom. Hey - I'm the kid. She's the mom. It's what we do. 

So how did Mom respond? "Write your own romance novel." 


So this is what I came up with that night. I had no idea about a storyline or anything. Aside from a handful of romance novels, I'd been reading tons and tons of cozy mysteries, so I used that as a framework for brainstorming. Light stories that are fun, filled with likable characters, a small-town setting, female business owners, gotta have a detective in there somewhere... yep. Got it. 

Small town? Check. 

Quirky characters? Check. 

Good story? Check.

I'm not a visual artist (See? I'm self-aware), but this is what I came up with. 

So with all this in mind, happy ending, light, beach read, etc... I wrote my first scene. 

What was it, you ask? Heh heh heh.

In a nutshell, it was a scene on an overcast day where an ambulance with two paramedics pulled up to an abandoned industrial complex only to find a barely-old-enough-to-drive kid hanging out the side of an old car, apparently overdosing on opioids. From a 2nd story window inside the dilapidated factory, a young girl watched from above through dirty windows. After the ambulance drove away with her friend, she returned outside and ran home as the rain began to fall. 

Spoiler alert - the kid in the car makes it and will appear in a later book. 

The two paramedics? They became Derek Mitchell and Kiro Marinov (Pronounced like Hero with a K and Marine + off). Derek's the main character in Wayward Guilt. As for Kiro, you meet him in this book but get to know him better in subsequent books like Safe Now, Warm Drink on a Cold Day, and End of a New Life. 

This is my second attempt at creative writing, with the first being a total fluke - The Weaving Loom - a short story I wrote while serving in the Peace Corps in Bulgaria. My only question is why the heck did I not start writing earlier in my life? I absolutely love writing and bringing these characters to life. 

I hope you love these stories and characters, too! 

Take care, and happy reading!

- Heather 

As always, my reviews can be found on Goodreads and other retail sites. 

Pre-order your e-Copy of WAYWARD GUILT - Heroes of Grant's Crossing Book 1! (Print version will be available for pre-order in early July.)

Find me online! 

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