Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Review - Renovated: A Workplace Romance by Nikki Kiley

I love reading books in new series or by new (to me) authors. With Renovated: A Workplace Romance by Nikki Kiley, I get the best of both worlds! 

Renovated is the debut book in a new series of romance novels featuring the Chance Brothers. Levi Chance is one of 6 brothers who work in construction / home renovation business who has done work for a popular Home TV Network. Marisa Sanchez, is a designer and contractor known for her popular social media presence. 
Sparks fly when they're thrust together for a new home show, Renovated, at the last minute after the original team of hosts fell apart. 

With a tight timeline, they have to work through their differences and doubts about each other's abilities while at the same time learning what motivates each. Levi runs a family business with his 5 brothers and as the oldest, feels a certain responsibility to make sure they're all taken care of. Marisa runs her business with the hope of earning enough money to buy the building to help save her Nana's business.

The story keeps you updated on the progress of the renovation, but more importantly, it keeps you up to date with their familial obligations all the while as they're undeniably attracted to each other. When a huge curve ball is thrown Marisa's way that may put the entire show in jeopardy, the families come together and do what families do best, which is to support each other.

Throughout the book we get to enjoy Marisa and Levi's steamy romance as well as meet Levi's brothers and Marisa's sweet Nana and her best friends who stood by her through all her ups and downs. I can't wait to read more stories to get to know all those characters even better.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! It was very readable, the story flowed, and I just had to keep turning my digital pages to see what happened next. It was a pretty quick read that will leave you longing for more. And... you get a sneak peek into the next Chance Brother romance, so be sure to pick this up!

Find Nikki Kiley online and her books at these and other locations.  Goodreads - Barnes & Noble - Amazon - Bookbub 

Happy Reading! 

        - Heather

Twitter - @GrantsCrossing 

Instagram - @GrantsCrossing 

Goodreads - H.M.S. Brown - for this and all my book reviews

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Grant's Crossing Update - More Than Anything and No Matter What

I have great news! I finished my first draft of Joey's book: More Than Anything and No Matter What

Following the tragic death of his father, 8-year-old Joey Parker and his mother move away from Pittsburgh, PA to create a new and better life for themselves. In Grant's Crossing, Ohio, Joey and his mom settle in a new town where he creates new friendships and finds his first love. The story follows the adventure of a young boy as he becomes a man who falls in love and serves his country. 

I printed out a hard copy for editing purposes and it's so beautiful. 

Dad really liked it and yeah - his opinion is somewhat biased, but...he reads spy novels and thrillers. My book is contemporary fiction and sure, it has some action in it as well, but I take it as a compliment that he really liked it. Mom's reading it now. She'll cry at the sad parts, I just know it. She's into romance and mysteries, but like me, she's a total sap when she reads books or watches movies.

I know what you're thinking and yes. You're right. I can't judge my book based on what my parents think, but I'm happy to start with two thumbs up anyway, even if they are reading my UN-edited, UN-proofed, UN-revised, UN-copy of my book.

Once they're done and I get my hard copy back later this week, the real editing work will begin. Right now though, it seems that much more real!

In the meantime, I'm working on revising and creating a new outline for my earlier book, End of a New Life, which is back from the editor and in need of a major revisions. I totally pantsed it whereas I did a much better job of planning More Than Anything and No Matter What.

End of a New Life picks up right where More Than Anything and No Matter What leaves off and follows the intertwining lives of Joey's best friend, Derek, and Callie, a new arrival to Grant's Crossing. 

Happy Reading! 

        - Heather

Twitter - @GrantsCrossing 

Instagram - @GrantsCrossing 

Goodreads - H.M.S. Brown 

Writing is Hard

Sometimes, writing is hard. So hard. Right now, I'm trying to decide whether or not my main character is going to make it to the end of ...